Creating a healthier andsafer world by redefining the hand wash process .
iWASH | 2021
Product strategy
Design strategy
Industrial design
UX / UI design
Color, material, finish
Rapid Prototyping
Design for Manufacture
Design strategy
Industrial design
UX / UI design
Color, material, finish
Rapid Prototyping
Design for Manufacture
The growing necessity of frequent handwashing behavior has set the tone for the hand wash market, based on the guidelines that have been set from the World Health Organization in 2020. iWash is a next generation ecological hand washing system that is developed with human-centricity and care to the environment in its core.
Through our product development approach, we have created an MVP ecological hand washing system solution, with human-centricity and care to the environment in its core.

Concept Designs

Rapid Prototyping
Color, Material, Finish